Hold Commitment to your Expressive Writing

What we need to express is - our deep emotions through writing ritual rhythm – show up day after day to nurture your expression garden.

Decide now a standing appointment just for you and the blank page, be it dawn’s dewy quiet or midnight’s slight madness that most beckons your inner muse.

Shelter this timeframe fiercely, redirecting external bustle that leaves no space for the self to emerge. Remember, wavering focus starves inspiration’s roots. Consistency, above all, is what makes our creativity climb surely toward the sun.

A quote from - Virginia Woolf considered in her diaries, “Writing is a deep pleasure to which I would not sacrifice one jot.”

I have set the calendar for my writing first thing in the morning. It helps me to clarify my thoughts.

Let your appointed writing hour be a sensual one – a daily celebration of playing with prose, savouring self-expressions as if sweet confection dissolving on the tongue.

Write unfettered as ideas unfold like liquid crystal quicksilver before your eyes.

What strange and wonderful alchemy we make at the desk’s helm!

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